Comprehensive support for AI startups at all stages of development, from copyright protection to commercialization consultations. Participation in promoting necessary legal frameworks for the seamless integration of AI in Kazakhstan.
Creating an expert community to ensure the exchange of knowledge and experience among AI specialists. Establishing a platform for interaction between organizations, government bodies, international research institutions, and tech giant companies in the AI sector.
Regulatory Framework
Participation in the development of the AI development concept in Kazakhstan. Regulation of laws on personal data protection, ethical guidelines, and technical standardization from the perspective of widespread AI adoption.
Forming a new generation of in-demand AI specialists through collaboration between businesses and universities. Conducting seminars and engaging the public in AI fundamentals education, including via social media. Organizing workshops to enhance business qualifications through invited experts.
The Association is ready to act as a guarantor for accessing data. Organizing a technical space for implementing AI projects (laboratory).
Become a Member of the Association
We invite you to become a part of our progressive community, leading Kazakhstan into the era of AI technologies.
To begin your participation, please complete the survey and fill out the application form. We guarantee careful consideration of your application and prompt feedback. Your participation is a key factor in our shared success.